Ann Fisher-Wirth Enchants With Environmental Studies In Verse

Ann Italy 400x267 Ann Fisher Wirth Enchants With Environmental Studies In VerseAnn Fisher-Wirth has lived in Germany, Pennsylvania, Japan, California, and Virginia; she has been in Mississippi since 1988. Her sixth book of poems is The Bones of Winter Birds (Terrapin Books, 2019). Her fifth book of poems, Mississippi, is a poetry/photography collaboration with the photographer Maude Schuyler Clay (Wings Press, 2018). With Laura-Gray Street, Ann coedited The Ecopoetry Anthology (Trinity 2013, third edition 2020). She is a senior fellow of The Black Earth Institute, and has had residencies at The Mesa Refuge; Djerassi; Hedgebrook; and CAMAC, France. Ann was the 2017 Anne Spencer Poet in Residence at Randolph College; received a senior Fulbright to Fribourg, Switzerland; and was Fulbright Distinguished Chair in American Studies at Uppsala University, Sweden. She has received numerous awards, among them two Mississippi Humanities Commission Poetry Fellowships and the Mississippi Arts and Letters Poetry Prize, as well as fifteen Pushcart nominations. She teaches American literature and MFA poetry workshops and seminars, and directs the Environmental Studies program, at the University of Mississippi, and she teaches yoga in Oxford, MS.

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Poetry & Planet is produced by Ethan Goffman. ”By the road to the contagious hospital” by William Carlos Williams, “The Museum of Stones” by Carolyn Forche, and “Water in the River” by Patricia Fargnoli are read by R. Michael Oliver.  Musical excerpts from “Elements of Life” and “Earth Revisited” are written and performed by Reginald Cyntje, with vocals by Christie Dashiell.  Aural interludes are by Douglas Harvey.

The opening poetry chorus is voiced by Jomo K. Johnson, Dr. Michael Anthony Ingram, Marianne Szlyk, and R. Michael Oliver.

”By the road to the contagious hospital” by William Carlos Williams, from THE COLLECTED POEMS: VOLUME I, 1909-1939, copyright ©1938 by New Directions Publishing Corp. Reprinted by permission of New Directions Publishing Corp. 

“Water in the River,” by Patricia Fargnoli, is from Hallowed (Tupelo Press, 2017) and is used by permission of the author.

“The Museum of Stones,” by Carolyn Forche, 2007, and is used by permission of the author.