Environmental Internships

EarthTalk is a non-profit media entity always on the lookout for rising talent. If you are interested in a virtual internship with us, we can offer school/service credit for volunteering with a 501(c)3 non-profit while you get valuable experience learning what goes into producing a weekly environmental Q&A column serving an audience in the tens of millions. Interns will not only gain valuable experience learning how to craft professional journalistic pieces but will end up with published clips that can help get them other professional research and writing work down the road.

Right now here is what we need help with…

  • Researching and writing answers to reader questions for our weekly syndicated EarthTalk environmental Q&A column, syndicated to 1,000+ media outlets and also reaching millions online;
  • Helping manage our social media channels (keep our Facebook page and Twitter feed alive and add new channels)
  • Helping work on our back-end WordPress site (to update and reformat content)
  • Helping to launch and manage a new series of constantly updated, evergreen “guides” designed to be the definitive starting point for anything environmental when people are wondering how to live greener; and,
  • Researching funding opportunities (foundations, donors, etc.) and helping craft grant proposals.

If you have 5-20 hours a week and are fired up about using your skills and interests in any of the aforementioned capacities to help educate everyday people about making small changes that can add up to saving our environment, fill out the form below and we’ll get back to you shortly…

[contact-form][contact-field label=”Name” type=”name” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Email” type=”email” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Tell us a little about yourself and how you want to help EarthTalk…” type=”textarea” required=”1″][/contact-form]