Going Deep With Poet John Stanizzi: Visiting A Pond As It Fluctuates
John L. Stanizzi is author of Ecstasy Among Ghosts, Sleepwalking, Dance Against the Wall, and several other poetry collections. John’s poems have been published in Prairie Schooner, The Cortland Review, The New York Quarterly, Poetlore, Rattle, and many other places. His latest book, POND (2020), explores his visits to, and observations of, a pond as it fluctuates over all 365 days of a single year. His work has been widely translated into Italian and his non-fiction has been published extensively.
John has read at venues all over New England, including the Mystic Arts Café, the Sunken Garden Poetry Festival, and Hartford Stage. For many years, John coordinated the Fresh Voices Poetry Competition for Young Poets at Hill-Stead Museum, Farmington, Connecticut. He was also a “teaching artist” for the national poetry recitation contest, Poetry Out Loud. John’s poetry has been featured on Garrison Keillor’s The Writer’s Almanac. A former Wesleyan New England Poet of the Year, John has just been awarded an Artist Fellowship in Creative Non-Fiction for work on his new memoir. He teaches literature at Manchester Community College and lives with his wife, Carol, in Coventry, Connecticut. https://www.johnlstanizzi.com.
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Poetry & Planet is produced by Ethan Goffman. Emily Dickinson’s “Much Madness is divinest Sense” and Robert Frost’s “The Wood-Pile” are read by R. Michael Oliver. Musical excerpts from “Elements of Life” and “Earth Revisited” are written and performed by Reginald Cyntje, with vocals by Christie Dashiell. Aural interludes are by Douglas Harvey.
The opening poetry chorus is voiced by Jomo K. Johnson, Dr. Michael Anthony Ingram, Marianne Szlyk, and R. Michael Oliver.