Fuel Cell Cars Already Here in California, Coming Soon to Northeast
Fuel cell cars from Toyota and Honda are now available to drivers in California and coming soon to the northeastern U.S. as well once more refueling stations are built there.
Fuel cell cars from Toyota and Honda are now available to drivers in California and coming soon to the northeastern U.S. as well once more refueling stations are built there.
We waste lots of time and fuel and emit lots of greenhouse gases when we are behind the wheel circling around and around the block looking for parking…
Jeremy Martin is a Senior Scientist for the Union of Concerned Scientists’ Clean Vehicles Program, in charge of evaluating biofuels and policy. EarthTalk’s Ethan Goffman interviewed him in Rockville, Maryland, where their discussion ranged from the impact of automobiles to surprising findings regarding corn ethanol to the transportation system of the future…