Waiting for Hot Water
To save water while waiting for hot water, you can cluster the tasks that require hot water so it doesn’t have to send a new batch every time. Even better, insulate your home’s water pipes or switch over to a tankless system.
To save water while waiting for hot water, you can cluster the tasks that require hot water so it doesn’t have to send a new batch every time. Even better, insulate your home’s water pipes or switch over to a tankless system.
Water conservation is something we all need to think about in our everyday lives if we want to save some drinking water for the future…
Greens are already fighting Trump’s new executive orders revoking protections on millions of acres within ten U.S. national monuments…
Just because Trump pulled us out of the Paris climate accord doesn’t mean Americans will stop trying to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions.
Farms and farmers across the U.S. are adopting climate-friendly practices to improve soil quality and save water as global warming kicks in…
These days, wildlife is thriving around the site of the nuclear reactor meltdown at Chernobyl in the Ukraine three decades ago. Biologists say the lack of people in the “Exclusion Zone” thirty kilometers around reactor has made it easier for the animals that did survive — and their progeny — to now flourish.
Lisa Fimiani, the director of the G2 Gallery in Venice, California, discusses using nature and wildlife photography to raise awareness about environmental issues and help non-profits…
Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey has transitioned its remaining circus elephants to a Florida-based facility focused on conservation, care and research…
Big game hunters insist that their hobby does a lot to spur conservation given the huge fees they pay to the countries that host them, but environmentalists aren’t so sure…
With one rhino shot every eight hours in South Africa, government officials, private businesses and conservation groups are trying everything in their power to stop poachers in their tracks. Since 95 percent of poaching incidents happen at night, it’s exceedingly difficult to spot them- until now. Through collaboration efforts, private UAV companies are developing a new way to spot […]