Climate Reality Project Turns Everyday People Into Climate Activists
Al Gore created the Climate Reality Project as the nerve center of his advocacy & education efforts about the need to ratchet down carbon emissions…
Al Gore created the Climate Reality Project as the nerve center of his advocacy & education efforts about the need to ratchet down carbon emissions…
The vast majority of Americans believe climate change is a clear and present danger — so why aren’t our Congresspersons doing anything to address it?
Climate skeptics like Senator James Inhofe (R-OK) dispute the notion that 97% of climate scientists believe global warming is human-caused.
ExxonMobil knew as early as 1977 that our enthusiastic burning of fossil fuels was leading to global warming — and since then has spent upwards of $30 million to promote so-called climate denial…
Climate denial is still alive in Congress and the American media despite the scientific facts. Just ask Congressmen like Lamar Smith and John Carter, as well as journalist Daniel Botkin.