Avoiding BPA Exposure: Not So Easy Anymore
A good old can of soup might not be as good for you as you would expect, given the toxic chemicals in the lining of the can itself. Experts say to fresh foods are always the safest way to go.
A good old can of soup might not be as good for you as you would expect, given the toxic chemicals in the lining of the can itself. Experts say to fresh foods are always the safest way to go.
Dear EarthTalk: What is the latest thinking on the environmental causes (if any) of autism? I hear so much conflicting information I don’t know what to believe. —Bill Stribling, Austin, TX In the 1980s, about one in 2,000 American kids was diagnosed with autism. […]
Dear EarthTalk: Is it true that playing on artificial turf fields can cause cancer? If so, how can I minimize exposure for my sports-loving kids? — Melanie Witmer, Syracuse, NY Just when you thought it was safe to play soccer on that brand new synthetic turf field, it may be time to think again. Those little […]