We Need to Blackfish the Climate Crisis
An activist and author pleas for filmmakers to make a Blackfish for the climate crisis, that is, a film so compelling that it forces people to take action on behalf of emissions reduction.
An activist and author pleas for filmmakers to make a Blackfish for the climate crisis, that is, a film so compelling that it forces people to take action on behalf of emissions reduction.
Environmental heroes like Winona LaDuke, Bill McKibben and Josh Fox have inspired millions of people to take action on behalf of protecting the environment.
While potent in its day as the film that put climate change on the public radar, An Inconvenient Truth, now a decade old, is hardly the last word in green documentaries anymore. New Must-Sees Eco Documentaries Include Disobedience, The Cross of the Moment and Revolution…
Dear EarthTalk: What’s the latest in cutting-edge, hyper-efficient solar cells? Are we really moving beyond huge photovoltaic panels anytime soon? —Michael Williams, Hartford, CT Many people still consider environmentalists’ favorite black panels as the cutting edge of renewable energy. However, the burgeoning solar industry has […]
For thousands of years, songbirds were regarded by mankind as messengers from the gods. Today, these creatures – woven inextricably into the fabric of our environment – are vanishing at an alarming rate. Under threat from climate change, pesticides and more, populations of hundreds of species have dipped dramatically. As scientists, activists and bird enthusiasts […]