Cleantech: Still The Next Big Thing For American Venture Capitalists?
Is so-called cleantech (alternative energy and related sectors) still the next big thing for American venture capitalists?
Is so-called cleantech (alternative energy and related sectors) still the next big thing for American venture capitalists?
Iceland is an island of drop-dead gorgeous snow-capped mountains, waterfalls, and geysers. It’s also the first county in the world to generate all of its electricity from clean, renewable sources. In June, EarthTalk’s Ethan Goffman took part in a Montgomery College sustainability trip to Iceland that explored that country’s geothermal and hydro power sources, but […]
Craig Benson, Chemistry Professor, Montgomery College and co-organizer of the sustainability tour. EarthTalk: Could you say a little about the health of Iceland’s glaciers? Benson: Absolutely. The health of Iceland’s glaciers is pretty poor overall. Glaciers are receding around the world, including here in Iceland. Virtually all glaciers are in that receding phase right now. […]
Audur Bjorg Sigurjonsdottir is the Director of Iceland’s Geothermal Energy Exhibition. The interview took place in June 2015 at the Hellisheidi geothermal power plant, the largest in Iceland… EarthTalk: Could you give me a brief history of geothermal in Iceland and how it got to be such an important source of energy for you? Sigurjonsdottir: Yes, the […]
EarthTalk’s Ethan Goffman caught up with Karl Gawell, Executive Director of the Geothermal Energy Association, to find out more about the promise of geothermal as a carbon-busting alternative to fossil fuel derived power… Or read the transcript below… Earth Talk: So briefly, why is geothermal such a useful source of energy and what does it provide […]