Camille Dungy On Nature, Motherhood & Environmental Justice
Colorado State University prof and author Camille Dungy isn’t afraid to tackle big issues in poetry.
Colorado State University prof and author Camille Dungy isn’t afraid to tackle big issues in poetry.
Just because Trump pulled us out of the Paris climate accord doesn’t mean Americans will stop trying to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions.
Hannah Owen discusses the power of being lost in the wilderness: it enlivens your senses and puts your skills to the test.
Two new titles from green publisher Dawn Publications encourage kids to explore and connect with nature. They make for great entertaining and educational gifts at birthday parties or under the tree… If You Love Honey ($8.95 paperback; $16.95 hardback): Honey is a sweet gift from nature—ALL of nature, actually. Honey is linked in a very real […]
The story of Chris McCandless, a 24 year old American who traded in his materialistically comfortable life for one in the wild and who in 1992 two years into his voyage died in the Alaskan outback, has resurfaced recently due to the book ‘The Wild Truth’ published by his sister Candice McCandless in 2014. Over […]
Dear EarthTalk: How is that being around trees and other plants can help us feel good? — Amy Mola, Greenville, SC Trees are known to improve air quality by capturing six common air pollutants and toxic gases: ground-level ozone, particulate matter, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, sulfur […]
Earlier today we walked across the Argentine border into the color-laden streets of Villazón, Bolivia. Moments later we were aboard a twelve seater minivan, all the while the main attraction of the Bolivian children bemused by our collective mix of ginger hair, strange accents and odd clothes. The mountains accompanied us all the way to […]