Help Our Honeybees, Help Ourselves
Doing your part to help bees come back will not only help guarantee that we can continue to enjoy the diversity of agricultural products we have come to expect on grocery store shelves.
Doing your part to help bees come back will not only help guarantee that we can continue to enjoy the diversity of agricultural products we have come to expect on grocery store shelves.
Thousands of Instagram accounts are dedicated to raising awareness of environmental problems and providing solutions everyday people can embrace.
Farms and farmers across the U.S. are adopting climate-friendly practices to improve soil quality and save water as global warming kicks in…
President Trump wants to cut environmental justice programs that ensure minority groups don’t bear a disproportionate burden from environmental threats.
Drew Caputo, VP of Litigation for Lands, Wildlife and Oceans at the non-profit environmental law firm EarthJustice, discusses how his organization and the environmental community at large is responding to the anti-environmental threats of the incoming Trump administration.
Coliform bacteria, nitrates, total dissolved solids and unhealthy pH levels, oh my! If you are worried that your water might contain these or other contaminants, at-home water quality testing is easy and relatively inexpensive…
According to a new report from NRDC, 5,300 different water systems across the country either shirked responsibilities to treat their water supplies to reduce lead levels, failed to monitor water supplies for lead, or neglected to report unsafe lead levels to the public or regulators.
Environmental Justice Advocate and WE Act for Environmental Justice founder Vernice Miller-Travis weighs the pros & cons of Obama’s Clean Power Plan.
Although it often feels like environmentalists are purveyors of catastrophe, stories of saving precious wilderness abound. One of these is Alaska’s Tongass National Forest, the largest relatively intact rainforest in North America which makes up about 14 percent of the global temperate rainforest…
Do you have what it takes to do something you love for something you love for a living? Here are some recent job listings from a few favorite environmental groups… Center for Biological Diversity Staff Scientist, Climate Law Institute Oakland, CA More jobs at CBD… EarthJustice Senior Attorney, Fossil Fuels San Francisco, CA More jobs at […]