Strawless in Seattle: Why Are Straws So Bad for the Environment?
Strawless in Seattle: the average American uses 38,000+ straws over a lifetime without thinking about the implications of all this plastic going to waste.
Strawless in Seattle: the average American uses 38,000+ straws over a lifetime without thinking about the implications of all this plastic going to waste.
Thanks to charitable giving & leadership of cities on climate change, Michael Bloomberg may go down in history as one of the great environmentalists…
Method Home, Lush, Dell, G-Star RAW and Norton Sunglasses are among the companies putting plastic ocean waste to use in their products & packaging.
Polyester fleece clothing sure is cozy and comfy, but it just may be trashing our oceans by shedding microfibers in our washing machines that are too small for wastewater treatment facilities to filter out.
If you take into account all throwaway containers used in the United States on a daily basis, there are one billion containers that flow through the supply chain — and perhaps only 400-500 million or so of these materials are collected for recycling. Of these 400-500 million containers collected for recycling, perhaps 15-25 percent are thrown away […]
While Tanna Frederick may be well known as a mainstay of the Los Angeles theater community and founder of the Iowa Film Festival, she is also a passionate surfer and committed conservationist. In 2008 she launched the non-profit Project Save Our Surf to promote clean oceans and water, and when she’s not on stage, works tirelessly […]
It might keep your coffee hot without burning your hand, but plastic foam – more commonly known as Styrofoam – is one of the most harmful materials around when it comes to the environment. This petroleum-based plastic has gained a lot of negative attention in recent years, prompting bans in many cities such as New […]
Dear EarthTalk: How is it that our more effectively managing ocean resources could help us better feed the world? — Missy Jenkins, Boone, IA Hunger is a growing problem around the world, in both developing and developed countries. As our population continues to rise, the amount of arable land per capita is declining and climate change […]
You’d think that finding far less plastic pollution on the ocean’s surface than scientists expected would be something to cheer about. The reality, however, is that this is likely bad news, for both the ocean food web and humans eating at the top. Ingestion of tiny plastic debris by sea creatures likely explains the plastics […]