Interview: Dan Dicker Helps Us Understand Surging Oil Prices
In this free-ranging interview, oil expert and pundit Dan Dicker discusses the three main ingredients to understanding the global oil market: supply, demand, and geopolitics…
In this free-ranging interview, oil expert and pundit Dan Dicker discusses the three main ingredients to understanding the global oil market: supply, demand, and geopolitics…
Man-made earthquakes are now common across Oklahoma and other parts of the Midwest and South thanks to the surge in hydraulic fracturing (“fracking”) activity…
Given rising prices, dwindling supply and environmental hazards, the United States desperately needs to reevaluate its relationship with oil…
Eco-friendly pest control products are easier to find than ever in stores, but why not go DIY and make your own at home with stuff you already have around?
Kandi Mossett of the Indigenous Environmental Network talks about how and why native tribes are fighting the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipeline projects…
Is so-called cleantech (alternative energy and related sectors) still the next big thing for American venture capitalists?
Author C.J. Quinn takes to the Soap Box and wonders why we must continue to create environmental catastrophes in order to provide energy for our planet…
North Dakota’s Standing Rock Sioux, a tribe with a long history of displacement and persecution, is now fighting against the siting of an oil pipeline dangerously close to sacred tribal lands.
The Trans Pacific Partnership might be the worst news for the environment since NAFTA, and environmentalists are coming out against it…
Dear EarthTalk: Is off-shore drilling any safer for the environment today given lessons learned from the 2010 BP Deepwater Horizon disaster in the Gulf of Mexico? —Leslie Jackson, Bern, NC The Deepwater Horizon oil rig explosion in 2010 resulted in 11 lost lives and hundreds of […]