Risky Rainwear: Outdoor Gear Makers Scramble to Find PFC-Free Alternatives
Outdoor gear and clothing manufacturers are scrambling to find greener alternatives to PFCs to keep their jackets, boots and other gear from “wetting out.”
Outdoor gear and clothing manufacturers are scrambling to find greener alternatives to PFCs to keep their jackets, boots and other gear from “wetting out.”
If you really want to be green, it may be time to think about digging up your paved asphalt driveway and replacing it with soil and native plants…
While global warming didn’t cause Hurricane Harvey, it certainly played a role in how extreme the storm was in terms of high winds and heavy rain…
With the amount of rain falling during the heaviest storms increasing by 20 percent over the last century, cities have good reason to be preparing for lots of rain this summer.
Build a rain garden, grade your yard, collect rainwater, replace impermeable surfaces: these are just a few ways to cut down on run-off from your garden…