Fighting Plastic Waste With Edible Pods, Algae and Banana Leaves
Researchers are hard at work looking for biodegradable alternatives to plastic to wrap up and store our food and drinks without insulting the environment.
Researchers are hard at work looking for biodegradable alternatives to plastic to wrap up and store our food and drinks without insulting the environment.
The CEO of the Recycling Partnership thinks including funding for improved recycling in the infrastructure bill would ensure that domestic recyclers can count on a long-term reliable supply of feedstock.
The cardboard you recycle likely makes a 12,000-mile, fossil-fuel-spewing loop at sea (to China and back) in its journey of rebirth…
Better lighting, more recycling, indoor plants and telecommuting are all ways your office can be greener — and indoor air quality better — than it is today.
While it’s important to recycle, how you do the deed can affect the impact you have on the environment and your household budget…
Manufacturers’ and repair shops’ efforts to rebuild and repurpose older parts is making the world of machinery greener than ever…
Polyester fleece clothing sure is cozy and comfy, but it just may be trashing our oceans by shedding microfibers in our washing machines that are too small for wastewater treatment facilities to filter out.
The University of Michigan has invested in ways to educate students about saving water and reducing waste in efforts to become one of the greenest large universities in the nation…
What Is the Most Effective Way to Reduce Disposable Plastic Bottles Consumption? A group of high school seniors at Shady Side Academy endeavored to find out…
If you take into account all throwaway containers used in the United States on a daily basis, there are one billion containers that flow through the supply chain — and perhaps only 400-500 million or so of these materials are collected for recycling. Of these 400-500 million containers collected for recycling, perhaps 15-25 percent are thrown away […]