B Corporations to the Earth’s Rescue
“B-Corp” is a certification awarded by the non-profit B Lab to for-profit companies which meet rigorous standards of social & environmental performance…
“B-Corp” is a certification awarded by the non-profit B Lab to for-profit companies which meet rigorous standards of social & environmental performance…
The three best-selling books that comprise the The Patagonia Business Library together provide a primer for the future of sustainable business.
When it comes to sustainable apparel, we haven’t had this many good, affordable choices since before the Industrial Revolution…
Ever wonder how the outdoor clothing company Patagonia become synonymous with environmental activism? The company’s original employees were a ragtag group of surfers and climbers. Founder Yvon Chouinard learned the power of activism in the early 70s after attending a city council meeting in Ventura to preserve their local surf break. As a company, they began supporting […]